Audi RS3 2.5TFSi 8V.1 (CZGB)

ECU: MED17.1.1
TCU: DQ500

Ori: 367hp 465Nm
Unknown: 392hp 561Nm
DSP Stg1: 407hp 584Nm

• BULL X Exhausts decat downpipe Exhaust valve control
- open in Sport/Dynamic mmode
Pops & Bang in Sport/Dynamic mode
Programming: OBD/Bench

Programmed car has arrived, but its performance was not convincing in upper range and it also losts sensation from its dynamics.
After the live data and the measurement, we could see that, the power moving on high rpm.
The +15Le and +23Nm  not seems really lot, but if we check the +28hp by 6000 rpm (compared to the previous modification) nem tűnhet soknak, de ha megnézzük 6000rpm-nél a kapott +28Le-t a korábbi módosításhoz viszonyítva, this significantly improves the car's character.

 OriginalAfter modification
Audi RS3 2.5TFSi 8V.1 (CZGB)392hp - 561Nm407hp - 584Nm

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